Friday, August 8, 2008

Poetry Contest

I hope you don't mind if I post this. I found it in our local newspaper today and thought some of you might be interested.

Poetry Contest
$100,000 in Prizes Awarded Annually!
We are now accepting poetry for the Open Amateur Poetry Contest. The contest is open to everyone and entry is free. However, you must hurry, the deadline for entering your poem is September 30, 2008.

All of those who enter will receive a personal critique of their poem. Most of the prize money will be awarded to new and unpublished poets, many of whom have never entered a poetry competition before. To enter, mail one original poem, 24 lines or less, on any subject and in any style, to:
Poetry Contest
Editor 246-1
305 Madison Avenue
Suite 449
New York, NY 10165

There is a picture of a ribbon that says -- Reader's Choice Ranked #1

I don't know anything about this other than it was in our local newpaper. Try it if you like. Who knows, you might actually get paid.. :)
Anyway, good luck to any of you that try...


GeekUnderling said...

Thanks Sally...I just might enter for the giggles.

Anonymous said...

I have been researching to see if this was real because I saw it in my newspaper with a deadline for November 30,2008. I've seen a lot of articles about poetry contest scams.

Anonymous said...

I am researching now to see how real is this information. How can I find out if this is real?

Anonymous said...

Our poetry class is also trying to check the contest for authenticity!

Unknown said...

Yeah I think it's just that lame ol' again. I hope somebody puts an end to them.

Anonymous said...

Have jsut seen same ad but with a December 30, 2008 date.

No number or web site for more info.


Jenny said...

yes, i just found an ad with the deadline December 30, 2008
but the address was
Poetry Contest
Editor 210-4
Madison Ave.
Suite 449
New York, NY 10165

Anonymous said...

I searched, too, for authenticity! Probably some burned-out songwriter looking for lyrics for his next platinum album!

Anonymous said...

Im glad i googled the address. I am sick of submitting my heart felt poetry to bogus contests, websites and magazines. I will pass on poetry contests that are advertised on coupon pages. :-(