Tuesday, August 12, 2008

For Robyn Kim plus some blog bizness

I'm so sorry you're having problems trying to sign up for the site!!! Maybe this is the issue: I have my email listed as jkcase_1999(at)yahoo.com. I spelled out the word "at" to stop companies who "fish" for emails and send you spam. So make sure, when you're when you're typing my email address to replace the word "at" with the actual "at symbol" located on the #2 on your keyboard. Also, don't forget the underscore (the line) between jkcase and 1999. Hope this makes sense and solves the problem.

And for everyone else....I'll be away from the blog for a few days. Work is crazy again/still and I'm writing a huge strategic plan PLUS yet another grant....both of which are due Friday. So, if there are any authors needing to be added or any other business-related issues, I'll be back in force Friday afternoon or evening. Thanks guys...I hope all of you know how much I'm enjoying reading, commenting, and being inspired by what everyone is doing here!


RobynK said...

I kept getting this message even after I changed at as @. What do I do now???

Technical details of permanent failure:

RobynK said...

Oh, BTW, I am Robyn Kim and my message is all under my real name.