Sunday, August 10, 2008


Thought I'd let you all know how my surgery went.

On Wednesday I had septoplasty surgery, to fix my deviated septum in hope that I can sleep better. It is now Sunday and I am still in pain but the worst part is that I cannot blow my nose. I am so stuffed up that I sound like a pug walking around breathing. I'm wondering if I would have this done again, well I guess I'll have to wait a week or so before I can answer that. If I can breathe out of my nose and sleep better then it will have been worth it.

I missed an assignment that we could post more writing on. I know that we could have posted our sentences but what fun is that? No telling what drug induced stories I would have come up with anyway, lol.


jkc said...

YIKES!!!! Sounds painful! Hopefully it will bring you relief very soon and you'll be able to breathe at night. And "breathing like a pug"! Your sense of humor is still intact, which is a great sign for recovery!

Theresa said...

Hi Randie,
I am miserable when I can't breath out of my nose and for you to have the pain along with it. I can't imagine. Sorry, I am hoping for you to have a speedy recovery.
You can write here in a drug induced state, those should be interesting Welcome.

GeekUnderling said...

My septum is so deviated its beyond repair, still my family insists the balance of my being is even more deviated so I shouldn't worry. Truthfully, I have no idea what a demoniac septic is, but it sounds like it would really make you flush. Colored...I mean it would really make you flush colored. Does anyone know what I'm talking about because I obviously don't. But the most important thing to remember out of all this, is to make sure you cook your chicken before you eat it.