Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Ann Garci Poem

Ann Garci is in the same boat as a lot of us "older" (clears throat) computer users in that this blog "thing" is all new (the only reason I know what little I do is to try and barely keep up with my godchildren who, I swear, were born knowing how to do these sorts of things!). Anyway, she posted a beautiful poem in the comments section of GU's poem posted below. I hope she doesn't mind, but I thought I would add it as a blog entry so we can all enjoy it!

A Single Tulip Worshiped In The Wind

I watched a tulip as it danced in the wind
It seemed to be dancing to an audience of one
It knew not that I watched, as it swayed to and fro
Lost in the essence of its creation, it worshiped all alone
Not a care, not a matter for it knew of its beauty
And its purpose in that field
To worship its creator till its last petal withered.

Oh how I longed to be that tulip
So sure and so perfect
It had no fear of lack
It worshiped without hindrance
It worshiped without doubt
To be lost in the presence of God
I could only imagine.

To what is my purpose as I stand here alone?
To be lost in the essence of my creation
To know of my beauty
To worship my creator until my last breath taken
Ah, I begin to sway to and fro and release my soul
For now I know, the tulip is but a secondary thought made for me
For I am the marvel that God himself has breathed.

(A.G....I hope I have this formatted correctly. I ran into a couple of problems with cut and paste!)


Sally said...

Ann Garci you are such a good poet and this one has brought out something out in me that has been hidden for a long time. It is a beautiful poem. With your permission I would like to print that an tape it to my desk work. ( I'm a one gal office )I sometimes need reminders of just how awesome God is and that he has made something special in me too.

Theresa said...

Sally wow, I am truly humbled. I hadn't written a poem since junior high. I have no doubt that this was inspired by God. I had just finished praying and opened my journal and this came out. I think it was his answer to my question regarding me pursuing writing, which was what I had been talking with him about, among other things. Yes of course you may print it and also share it with whomever you would like. I am happy that brought you some joy.

jkc said...

It is gorgeous, which is why I wanted to make sure it was posted. I especially LOVE the last's so easy to forget how special we are to God. If He gave you this beautiful poem, then I'm sure He's saying "yes" to pursuing writing.

Theresa said...

jkc thank you so much for posting this correctly, yes us older (ahem) folks get a little lost in this new wave technology. (don't think i didn't see that) lol

jkc said...

AG...listen, I've got my 16 year old godson on speed dial trying to get through all this "new-fangled" computer stuff :)