Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A bit more blog bizness....

First, a big hello to GeekUnderling! Our group is going to be great!

I wanted to let everyone know, in case you missed the message, that Ann had to delete a couple of posts where I included my email address and asked others to send theirs to me if they wanted to join. As part of the school's policy, exchange of emails addresses is not allowed on the discussion boards due to liability issues. However, we can direct people to the site itself (http://www.beginningwritersunite.blogspot.com/) and tell them that information on how to join is on the right-hand side of the blog.

Also, I've included the links Ann has shared with us on the right hand side...if there are any other links you would like added, just let me know. That's why I picked Blogger...the layout and changing thereof is incredibly easy. We can add all types of information and columns on the right.

Okay, this old woman is going to bed. Talk to everyone soon!


GeekUnderling said...

Thanks for the heads up. I'm soooo glad this is going. This will be so fun.

Anonymous said...

My favorite writing site and event is National Novel Writing Month:


Please check out the URL above and consider adding it as a link.

I'd also urge anyone who has ever thought about writing a novel to give NaNoWriMo a try this coming November. I've done it three years in a row (and "won" all three, I might immodestly add add) and every year it's an incredible learning experience and a great way to impose discipline on yourself as a writer.

And be warned - once we get into around mid October it's all I'm going to be talking about around here.

GeekUnderling said...

Okay, Stan, I took a look at nanowrimo and am intimidated...very intimidated. 175 pages in a month? That's impossible! Isn't it? Will have to look around the site some more to see what is there. Thanks for the link.

Anonymous said...


If you can write 1,667 words in a day's time, you can finish the first draft of a short novel in a month. That's a healthy, but attainable amount to do in a day. You just have to do it for 30 days straight. Therein lies the challenge. ;-)

jkc said...

I've got the link added and checked it out. Wow! I may have to try this although it probably wouldn't be this year as I really don't have anything (idea or beginning) that I've thought about as novel-length. In fact, I've never thought about writing a novel. But I do like the discplined approach it advocates and I certainly need that. Congrats for the three wins and we'll definitely be cheering you on for a fourth! And talk away about it...I'm excited to hear your perspective on this type of process; ie: does having the time-limit make you a stronger writer? Does it effect your revision mind-set? Has it helped you become a more focused writer? I can think of a million things that are interesting about this concept and hope you share your experience and thoughts with all of us.