Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Time for a torch challenge!

Okay, before the next class starts, I'm laying down a challenge...although I don't get to compete because I'm starting it. So I'll just judge and pass the virtual torch to the winner.

Here is the challenge.

A piece of cheddar cheese
A nickel
A magician

Around 500 words (give or take what you want to give or take), deliver a mystery, solved, using these three elements and a touch of humor.

No prizes but the torch, and you get to make the next challenge! So who's first?


Peglova said...

I'm here, but I don't know how to transfer text to the blog in order to participate in the torch challenge.

GeekUnderling said...

You don't need to transfer, you can just type it in. But what kind of computer do you have and what software do you use? Finally, are you using Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera or Safari?

Theresa said...

I type stories and essays in word and copy and paste over onto the blog

Gibberish I type directly in the post section of the blog

Peglova said...

Thanks, Ann and Geek..., I'm on a Mac using Safari for the blog. I will try copy/paste from Word doc like I did for the class. Would not want to write 500 words directly to the blog; need time for the critical me to rewrite, revise, rethink. Here we go!

Charlene said...

I'll give it a try, I'm not sure if I will have time before the 17th. Does this mean you signed up for class?

GeekUnderling said...

I did sign up for the class, Charlene. There's lots of basic stuff I need to learn yet. And I didn't put any time limit on the challenge. (maybe there should be next time, we'll see)

Peglova said...

To what class are folks referring?

GeekUnderling said...

Alot of us are starting the Writeriffic class on Wednesday of this week, Peglova. Wanna join?

jkc said...

I'm working on this...I promise!!! Give me a couple of more days. I don't know if I really have the "mystery solved" element very strongly, but I do have the other stuff in a basic form right now.