Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Ike is heading our way. I live approximately 40 minutes from Port Lavace and 1hour 45 minutes from Rockport and Corpus. So I am boarding up, grabbing my dog, photos, favorite books and my computers and heading to Austin.

Keep our Southern Lands in ya'lls prayers. I have insurance on my home and a place to find shelter so I am good. Pray for those that do not.

Be Blessed!


GeekUnderling said...

I will definitely keep you in my thoughts and prayers, Theresa. I hope that everything passes by without too much damage and a minimal amount of injury.
God creates the weather. So, if you ask, He'll certainly protect you from it!

Charlene said...

I forgot you live down there too! My Aunt lives in Houston. I'll keep you in my prayers. Take care!

Charlene said...

I forgot you live down there too! My Aunt lives in Houston. I'll keep you in my prayers. Take care!

jkc said...

You're definitely in my thoughts and prayers. Our agencies here in Oklahoma are meeting and getting ready for evacuees. So glad to hear you have somewhere safe to go!