Sunday, September 21, 2008

Back and Welcoming Another Author

Hi all! First, thank you for the thoughts and prayers. In the midst of everything, two of my family members in poor health had some major health issues arise in the wake of my Grandma's death. So, I'm afraid I had to be away a bit longer that I thought I would be. I FINALLY got caught up in the new writing class and am now trying to get caught up here. And GU, I LOVED the challenge...I have an idea in its barest written form right now (although I'm not sure it really has the "mystery solved" element strong enough) and have plans to add it to the comments in the next couple of days.

Okay, we have a new author to welcome. Dibbs should be getting an email invite and joining us here soon. Welcome, Dibbs! And, Lulu=Katie...sorry, Katie, I should have asked you what name you wanted to use here.

Also, from a comment in another post: many of us seem to be creating other blogs to give us an outlet for other creative expression that we're not able to post here. Someone asked if it would be okay to let the people here know about our other blogs and I don't see that being a problem. So, if you have another blog you want to let us know about, feel free to post it in the comments. Thanks!


GeekUnderling said...

Thank you JKC, and if other authors visit and look at the blogs I'm following, you'll see several from other authors here that I just set up to follow.

Theresa said...

Welcome back JKC. Your presence was truly missed.

Welcome aboard Dibbs. Glad to have you. Theresa here aka Ann Garci