Sunday, October 26, 2008

Has everyone been busy with other classes?

I've been busy taking Writeriffic the last several weeks. It's been a supportive class much like Beginning Writing. Has everyone else been enjoying the class they took? If so, what class did you take and what have you liked about it?


GeekUnderling said...

As you know, I was also in the writteriffic, Val. I must confess that I pretty much breezed through it though, without doing some of the assignments because my schedule was so very crazy. I'm hopeful for it to slow down soon, but the near future doesn't look hopeful.

The one thing I did get out of the class though, is that my wife happened to read the lesson early on where she talked about making a writing space, and has decided to decorate a spare room for me, and help me set it up as a private writing studio. That will be very helpful, I think, provided I get some chair glue that is super-powered!

How did you like the class? Any aha moments?

Charlene said...

Hi everybody, I was wondering what happened to you Geek. I missed reading your stuff for class and was concerned you gave up all together. Glad you didn't! That's exciting about your new space!

I found the class to be pretty easy, although some of the writing assignments were challanging. For me I discovered more about how to go about submitting. I'm working on lesson 2, to expand it and turn it into a publication for submittal.

Theresa said...

Hi Val,
No not me. No classes here. Still practicing. I did find a writers group that meets once a month on the 2nd Saturday. I wish we would meet more but hey I'll grab what I can.

Katie said...

Hi all, I took the Craft of Magazine Writing class-by Eva Shaw as well. I learned an incredible amount about trying to write for magazines, etc. which takes alot of research on the topic as well as whether the mag. has had it or might like it. It wasn't quite the exhilirating experience of "our" class, but still very enlightening and I hope to get better at it. I am just now getting back here now and then and really missed the special writing found here.